Avodah Series
Richard Atkinson has meticulously planned this series with the same level of excellence that he brings to every area of his life. Join us on this journey as we explore how work is a form of our worship.
The Hebrew word “Avoda, or Avodah” (Hebrew: עֲבוֹדָה), means "work, worship, and service" all rolled into one. However, when translated into English, its rich meaning becomes fragmented, leading us to view work and worship as separate and unrelated activities. This way of thinking reduces worship to singing hymns on Sundays and work to a necessary evil that we have to endure throughout the week.
To truly unify our work and worship, we need to renew our mindsets, which can profoundly affect how we live our lives. Doing so has the potential to bring deeper meaning, renewed purpose, and greater depth to both our work and our faith.
Below are the podcast episodes starting with the first one. Links to the YouTube playlist are available for those who prefer videos.
“Work is not only a necessary part of life, it is a form of service to the world, to the rest of humanity, and to God. We are meant to be of service, to be partners with God in the ongoing creation of the world. Yet even as we serve God, we also serve our fellow human beings…”