Meet Our Team!
LifeHouse would not be where she is at if it wasn’t for this incredible team of men and women who serve, working tirelessly to make sure she is ship shape and ready for action!
Charmaine - Our Ginger-Ninja
Charmaine is our Lead Administrator & Events coordinator. She keeps LifeHouse running smoothly behind the scenes.
Louise - Our Art Director
Louise is our Graphic Designer who also selects content based on the Word. She adds her creative touch to ensure all LifeHouse materials look appealing.
JP - Our Production Genius
He handles everything important that we don’t understand. He keeps everything running smoothly; without him, there would be no lights or action.
Dale - Our Singing-Barista
Dale leads and mentors our Worship Team and trains upcoming Baristas, keeping everyone energized and prepared. He is also in charge of our social media.
Our Finance Team
Richard (Co-Owner of Platinum Mine) chairs the Finance team, he is the one who gives the go-ahead! Bruce, Anthony, and Gary (Qualified C.A.) co-chair with Richard. Grant who is a Qualified C.A. helps manage the accounts and sort out any issues that may come up. Charmaine does the bookkeeping and makes all the payments. Our hearts are to steward the finances of LifeHouse well and beyond reproach faithfully.