Our Values
Values are what we stand for, we see them as treasures that we hold dear. We use them as building blocks on which to build the culture of LifeHouse. They are not rules that everyone has to live by. Rather these values are born out of conviction, from the heart of God, through His Word and through who He is. Finally, we see that our values tie us to our future.
The goodness of God and prizing His Presence. At the centre of all we are and do; must be Jesus!
Passionately pursuing God for who He is in a lifestyle of prayer and worship, and not for what He gives us.
Living the contemplative life, we can live from the unforced rhythms of grace by slowing down for a loving union with God.
Christ-centric preaching is based on the authoritative Word of God which begins and ends with the radical Grace-centred message of the Gospel.
Authentic God encounters transform lives from the inside out, becoming more like Jesus. This is a place where you can be the real you and integrity is reflected in walking our talk.
Honouring all, embracing many and partnering with a few. This includes relationships with which we are accountable and who journey with us into our inheritance.
Building a culture of honour where people and their gifting are honoured and given the freedom to grow, mature and increase in their influence.
We are made from a community and for a community, where individual callings and gifting are encouraged and celebrated, as we live for the benefit of others and in meeting together and building Kingdom values that express the attributes of Jesus through selflessly serving one another and the community around us
Outrageous adventure, a lifestyle of faith in Jesus Christ by the power of Holy Spirit and in the Sovereign Grace of Our Father that baffles those who play it safe and allows the church freedom to risk all.
LifeHouse Church is an Apostolic & Prophetic Gospel community that prizes relationship with God & His Presence. We value living authentic lives in our relationships & encountering God.
We long to search out the mysteries of God as revealed in the Scriptures and lead people into an assurance of their salvation as true sons and daughters of God. We place an emphasis on personal transformation, social transformation, signs & wonders & disciplining the nations.
It is our desire to build a culture of honour, where people and their gifting are honoured and that are given the freedom to grow and increase in their sphere of influence. Including relationships with which we are accountable & journey into our inheritance!
We desire to create an environment that baffles those who prefer to play safe & translates into a local church community that has the freedom to risk all to live out our eternal life and walk in God’s purpose for us now!
Our dream is to grow our influence in our locality, Johannesburg, South Africa & globally.
Sign Up
Have you been coming to LifeHouse for 3 months or more and would like to know more about us and explore joining our community? Then maybe you're ready to JOL with us. These JOL events take place right after our Sunday meeting a few times a year. Click on the button below to sign up.