Our Key Beliefs
Our beliefs are founded on Scripture and put into practice through the empowerment of Holy Spirit. We believe that Christianity is a vibrant and diverse expression of our faith as we follow Jesus and His way of life, striving to become more like Him and extend His Kingdom.
Jesus is our Founder, having full authority over His church. We value the structure of leadership that God has designed and set in place (Matt 16 v 18; 1 Peter 5 v 4; Col 1 v 18). Jesus modelled servant leadership, where he laid down his position & power and served others to develop them to their full potential.
Leadership is a Team Effort. Jesus delegates authority through the Team Leader and the Eldership team they oversee the church by guarding, guiding and governing (1 Cor 14 v 26 - 33, 40).
Leadership is a Privilege and Responsibility. Our Eldership team take their God-given authority seriously as scripture cautions that every person in biblical leadership will give an account to God in how they lead. (Heb 13 v 17; 1 Peter 5 v 3)
Leaders are to Equip the Saints. There is a mutual understanding that all church members are “ministers/priesthood of all believers” and the leaders are the “equippers” (Eph 4 v 11 - 12 ).
The Church is God’s family. For a family to be healthy and mature, it needs fathers and mothers to lead and guide as the God-ordained spiritual authority. The Church is no different. (Gal 6 v 10; 1 Co 5 v 12; Heb 13 v 17)
King Jesus has redeemed and transferred us from the dominion of darkness into His Kingdom (Col 1 v 12 - 13) and called us to live life together in a community as God’s people, living by His standards and principles that He has established.
In Jesus' time, regular gatherings were both at the small group level and in larger public celebrations (Acts 2:42 cf. Heb 10:25; Acts 2:46, 20:20; 1 Cor 14:26).
Belonging. Community, as followers of Jesus and members of God’s family, is where we find our belonging. Community and connection are where we figure out our identity and how to live out the practices and ways of Jesus. Spiritual practices are our means of grace to regularly recenter our lives in Jesus and all He has done for us.
Significance. Acts 2 v 46 - 47 describes a vibrant community who met in the temple courts and their homes, sharing meals and praising God. Jesus chose a small community of 12 men to be with Him and do ministry work together (Mark 3 v 13 - 14). He wanted to be with them, where His life and teachings shaped them. He extends the same invitation to us as we live in agreement with His standards and truths enabling us to grow and become spiritually mature in Christ. (Romans 12 v 1-8).
Purpose. In Eph 2 v 19 Paul describes the Church as a “household”. We are called to build God’s family by caring for one another in multiple ways, praying, bearing each other burdens and encouraging one another. (Gal 6 v 2; Hebrews 10 v 24 - 25). Understanding that community isn’t always easy as we don’t all think the same way and need to choose to work through our differences with each other.
Joining our LifeHouse is a pathway of integration where hearts have joined.
We view this dynamic process of strengthening relationships and involvement, culminating in a specific commitment. This is where individuals reach a stage of deeper commitment, to God and with the guidance of leadership.
Our biblical motivation and justification are found in Hebrews 13:17. Joining LifeHouse means you have decided to put yourself in the care of the Eldership Team and invite them to be your spiritual leadership. To us, membership speaks of where hearts have joined in an active two-way commitment towards each other so we can impact our surrounding community and city with the Gospel.
We love celebrating this moment and take joy in praying for and blessing individuals with prophetic words and encouragement.
We understand that not everyone can commit to joining LifeHouse, and that's perfectly okay! Whether you are seeking a church to call home or simply want to attend without any obligation to become a member, you are always welcome at LifeHouse!
Relationships within a Biblical community help bring healing, which leads to healthy service in God’s family. As followers of Jesus, we are all servants and need to cultivate servant hearts and attitudes. God gives us natural talents and spiritual gifts to serve his family and the world through his empowering Spirit. Together we help discover and exercise our calling and gifts. We learn to minister in our spiritual gifts at home groups, Sunday meetings, in courses, on ministry trips, etc.
Jesus was the greatest servant of all. Our hearts are to follow Jesus, to become more like Him so that we do what He is doing. (Isaiah 42 v 1- 5; Matt 12 v 18 - 21; Acts 3 v 26)
Serving is a natural outcome of the Gospel. Serving naturally becomes a part of our witness as we allow the Gospel to change us. Jesus longs to use us to meet the needs of those around us. To follow Jesus is serving those around us - from parking cars to holding babies, praying with others, pouring coffee & bringing meals to those in need.
Serving extends the Gospel. We will influence those around us and extending God’s Kingdom by serving the surrounding community and our city.
As a community of Jesus followers, we highly value corporate worship and prayer.
We gather for prayer before every Sunday meeting. Everyone is welcome to join us, starting at 8:30 am in our main hall.
We also hold regular Worship Nights on the first Wednesday of each month. During these nights, our focus is solely on worshipping Jesus. Doors open at 6:30 pm, and the worship and prayer session begins at 7 pm.