Welcome to a short Study Guide on Water Baptism

In the next three lessons, you will learn more about why we as Followers of Jesus choose to get water baptized, what it truly means in the context of our faith, and its deeper symbolism in the journey of spiritual transformation.

What to Expect?

  • Each lesson includes scriptures to read and a brief explanation of Water Baptism.

  • Read each scripture and explanation slowly and thoughtfully. By reflecting on Scripture, you will deepen your understanding of God, boost your faith, and inspire actions based on obedience.

  • Keep your Bible, pen, and paper ready to note any questions or comments. Let's dive in, shall we?

Water Baptism FAQ

  • Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding any questions that you may have.

  • We host our Water Baptism on Sundays once per month.

    It will take place right after our Sunday morning service in the Main Hall, where we set up our Baptism Pool to the right of the big window.

  • Remember to bring a second set of clothing (see list below). We will give you enough time to get changed in the bathrooms after the service.

    • Dark-coloured shorts and a large t-shirt

    • Swimming costume (to wear underneath) or a second set of underwear

    • A large towel to dry yourself with