Well Done…

This is your Last Day…

So once more start by Reading Mark 10 & 11


Eternal Life

How do you get to Heaven? In Mark 10 vs 17 a young man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life? Jesus doesn’t answer straight away. Before we find that answer Jesus wants us to clear up some of our wrong beliefs as it is important so we can start growing spiritually



No one is good enough except God! That is quite a statement. We tend to split the world between good and bad people. However the Bible says that all have sinned (Rom 3 v 23). The only way to eternal life is through righteousness.

Jesus and a young man are talking about the Ten Commandments and it is evident this guy thinks he is a good person. Maybe you can relate, you genuinely think that you’re a good person. However Jesus deliberately doesn’t mention any commandments about loving God. Why would He skip those? Remember that for Jesus this conversation is more than a debate or a Q & A as in vs 21, “Jesus looked at him and loved him”. Jesus tells this guy he only lacks one thing to get to Heaven, sounds harsh hey! And before you think this is about money, look at his last comment, again… “Follow me”. The thing is, there is only one way to inherit eternal life — By following Jesus! Romans 3 v 20 says “No one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law”. Basically good deeds are not enough. Only Jesus makes us right with God when we follow Him by faith.


Your Response

Well done, you are almost finished. Maybe you began this journey because of curiosity or wanted to know about Jesus! We trust you encountered Jesus in a real and personal way through this short journey.

So what is next? The wonderful thing about Jesus is that you will always learn something new about Him. Your journey has only begun. It started with two words “Follow me”. You have seen how Jesus interacted with people, healed the sick, calmed storms, forgave sinners and actually seemed to restore something in those lives He touched. Maybe you had a glimpse that you are indeed loved by Jesus. Remember you don’t ever need to earn His love and never will. By accepting His invitation to follow Him, you are simply accepting and choosing to receive His love. Jesus never expected you to pay for your sin. Just like when a baby is born, you will have some spiritual needs to fill. These are; breathing (prayer), nourishment (God’s Word), speaking (witnessing) and family (belonging) in order to grow spiritually. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone as we will be with you every step of the way.



Pause and reflect over these next questions.

Do you believe that Jesus’ invitation and these facts about the gospel are for you personally? ___________________________________

In John 6 v 37 Jesus adds a promise to His invitation, “All who come to me, I will embrace and never turn them away”. Can you accept that He includes you in this promise? ___________________________________

Every person is required to respond to the gospel for themselves. No one can do it for you. If you believe and want to receive His forgiveness, then pray the following prayer out aloud*.

*Repeat this prayer out aloud

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You died for my sins; You were buried and You rose again on the third day. I repent of my sins and come to You for mercy and forgiveness. By faith in Your Promise, I receive You personally as my Saviour and I confess You as my Lord. I ask You to come into my heart, give me eternal life and make me a child of God.  Amen!

Congratulations and welcome to the family of God. You are now born again with eternal life and are adopted into God’s family. You do need to do one important thing, go and tell someone what just happened to you!