Imaginative Prayer

God has designed all humans with an incredible ability to be creative. Creativity is the ability to see beyond the limitations of the current circumstances and to see a solution even though it is not yet visible. Our imaginations is where our creativity is activated as this is where we ‘produce’ images in our ‘minds eye’.

It may feel highly unusual and strange to use your imagination in your relationship with God. But this can be a significant means of interacting with Him. Our “Imagination” is our minds ability to evoke powerful, formational images of things that are not physically present. When what we imagine matches up with God’s Truth, it has the potential to transform us. As we yield and surrender ourselves and our imaginations to Holy Spirit, it will enable us to powerfully experience God’s Truth in a whole other realm.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.
— Romans 12 v 2

If I say to you: think of a loved one - You automatically think of images based on memories you have of being with them. These include sounds, smell etc. Often these memories are attached with strong emotions - positive or negative. Data alone will not transform us because of the way God has designed our minds. Our interaction with God requires that we experience Him. 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things
— Philippians 4 v 8

However for many followers of Jesus, the word “Imagination” conjures up only thoughts of a fantasy or make-believe world. A lack of imagination can keep people in a stagnate pattern of thinking. This is when old past experiences continue to dominate their thinking rather than allowing God to replace them with His Truth through powerful experiences of God. How can you access these powerful and informative representations for relationship where there is no physical memories (no physical touch, audible voice or visual presence) ? This is where your mind and imagination comes into play for an important role in this process. 

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
— Ephesians 1 v 17

Your imagination can be a powerful tool when you pray. 

  • While praying for the sick, ask Holy Spirit for a picture of them healed

  • While praying against demonic activity, imagine darkness being pushed back by the light of Jesus’ name. 

  • In this way, your imagination offers images that correspond with reality.

Don’t’ be surprised when you enter a time of imaginative prayer that you: 

  • Find yourself stepping into a memory with Jesus so that he can address a past wound

  • See beautiful glimpses of Jesus’ delight in you

  • The coming kingdom of God around you 

  • You may visit locations well beyond your Inner Sanctuary. 

  • You may find that Jesus brings others to join you there.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
— Colossians 3 v 1


This can be done on your own or within a LifeGroup or family setting. It will require 30 minutes to an hour. It is best to schedule this time. Imaginative prayer can be done daily or weekly and is a powerful transformative tool.

Your Surroundings Are Vitally Important

  • Find a time and place that is free from distraction & interruption (put away all devices).

  • Ensure that you are physically comfortable

You may want to create an atmosphere that will stimulate your imagination

  • Possibly go into nature (not always possible)

  • Use instrumental worship as this is not a time of silence and solitude (lyrics will be distracting)

  • Use paintings or scenic pictures 

  • Lighting can be important, eg candles or dimly lit room

This is not to trick your imagination or senses but merely provide an environment to stimulate and not stifle your imagination.

Invite Holy Spirit to guide your imagination

Pray and ask Holy Spirit to: 

  • Creatively point your imagination toward the truth of God

  • Experience in your imagination what you intellectually know to be true

  • Protect your time from all interruptions

Your Inner Sanctuary

You want to go to that inner private space in your mind. Some of you will be able to do this easily and for some it is a great deal harder. 

Think of a pleasant and familiar place that is peaceful and easy to recall the detail. 

  • This may be room or house or a place in nature (I love mountains and the sea)

  • If you struggle, start off by simply picturing a tree.

Now allow yourself to add as much detail as your imagination allows:

  • What do you see, hear, smell, feel? 

  • Don’t rush this time - recreate the scene in your mind

This must be a safe place for you to meet with Jesus and should be a place of fond memories:

  • Picture yourself walking into this space

  • Take a seat there, look around, give yourself permission to enjoy your surroundings

Encountering Jesus

Now imagine Jesus entering into the Sanctuary of your imagination. 

  • He may approach from a distance or possibly he enters through a doorway etc 

  • Maybe you want to run to him

  • Imagine Jesus, taking a seat next to you, then speaking to you.

Even though you are not physically meeting with Jesus, you are meeting with Jesus in a very real and personal way in the spiritual realm.

  • Your imagination provides images that represent this reality

You may have mental images of Jesus’ appearance or reference an artistic depiction 

  • It is more important that that your imagination correctly represents Jesus’ character as opposed to what he looks like Eg: doesn’t matter what colour his eyes are; rather his loving gaze on you

  • It may helpful to begin your time by reading scripture and allowing Holy Spirit to illuminate the truth of who Jesus is in your imagination

Here are some”I am” statements that is true of you as His disciple:

  • I am a child of God (John1v12)

  • I am Christ’s friend (John15v15)

  • I am a new creation (2 Cor 5v17)

  • I am a saint (1 Cor 1v2; Eph 1v1; Phil 1v1; Col 1v2)

  • I am righteous and holy (Eph 4v24)

  • I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit (John 15v16)

  • I am a son/daughter of God; spiritually God is my Father (Rom 8v14, Gal3v26; 4v6)

  • I am a temple - a dwelling place - of God. His Spirit & Life dwells in me (1 Cor 3v16; 6v19)

  • I am united to God and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor 6v17)

  • I am a son/daughter of God and one in Christ (Gal 3v26-28)

  • I am God’s workmanship - His handiwork - born anew in Christ to do His work (Eph 2v10)

  • I have been raised with Jesus, seated in heaven right now (Eph 2v6; Phil 3v20)

  • I am hidden with Christ in God (Col 3v3)

  • I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life (Col 3v4)

  • I am chosen of God, holy & dearly loved (Col 3v12; 1 Thess 1v4, 1 John 5v18)

  • I am a son/daughter of light and not of darkness (1 Thess 5v5)

  • I am a partaker of Christ, I share in His Life (Heb 3v14)

  • I am a child of God & I will resemble Christ when He returns (1 John 3v1-2)

  • I am loved by God with an everlasting love (Jer 31v3)

  • I am holy and blameless in the sight of God (Isa 43v4)

  • I am precious in the sight of God. (Isa 43v4)

  • I am the apple of God’s eye (Zech 2v8)

  • God rejoices over me with singing and dancing (Zeph 3v17)

  • Jesus will never leave or abandon me (Matt 28v20, John 14v18)

Once you have settled this interaction in your imagination begin to speak to Jesus as you would with a friend.

  • Tell Him how you are feeling

  • Asking Him question

  • Ask for Him to show you how to make an important decision 

  • Allow Him to speak these and other things to you

If you feel the image drifting away, ask Holy Spirit to strengthen your imagination and go back to your Inner Sanctuary

  • What you see, hear, smell and sense

  • Then focus back onto Jesus, his words etc

Please remember… Don’t give up when your mind wonders or you stop because you feel as though your approach is clumsy

  • Like every spiritual discipline, it takes practice, be patient with yourself

  • Allow for the time and space necessary to grow