The Practice of Silence

This practice is called a “Centring or Contemplative Prayer”. This practice gives our mind a task, to help slow down and move beyond itself and centre on Jesus. If you don’t give your mind an alternate activity, you will likely end up day dreaming.

Your goal for this week is to find a secluded place and a time, that works within the season of your life.


  • Be Patient - Give yourself permission to enjoy the journey and to ‘fail’ along the way. All you have to do is show up!

  • Don’t Allow Discouragement to set in - Either by how long it can take or saying that you are “bad” at this or “this isn’t for you”. 

  • Don’t Judge Yourself - This isn’t a “succeed or fail” project. There is no right or wrong in this practice, so no feeling guilty. This is simply learning to be with God. 

  • Set a Modest Goal -  Start off small and work your way up. - eg 5 minutes every day or 10 min, 5 days a week. Find whatever works for you and don’t be afraid to experiment.

If you need, use instrumental music, as music with words will distract you.

Choose a Time…

  • Could be first thing in the morning or when the kids are taking a nap.

  • If you work, perhaps during your lunch break.

  • Some people may prefer evenings, just before bedtime. The idea is to find what suits you.

Pick a Place:

  • Your space needs to be distraction free, to make it a daily sanctuary for you.

  • Find a comfortable chair, or weather permitting, outside in a park. Even in the car, during your lunch break.

To Begin…

  • Put away all devices and get as comfortable as possible. You could light a candle.

  • Start by relaxing your shoulders and place your feet on the floor etc. Others find it better to lie on the floor with bended knees. For some*, they may prefer to exercise like walking or keeping their hands busy eg folding laundry or drawing.

Pray a Hedge Prayer…

  • Ask Holy Spirit to presence Himself with you and for angels to form a hedge of protection from the enemy and that all external distractions cease.

Relax your Body…

  • Close your eyes… Start by clenching your feet and hold for 10 sec and then release them. Then work your way up - legs, torso, hands, arms and finally hold your entire body and release.

Watch your Breathing…

  • Be aware of your breathing, “watch” it go in and out. Slow down your breath.

  • Try not picture anything or dwell on any thoughts or emotions. Be aware in the beginning, your mind will want to go wild with thoughts, feelings, to do lists and distractions. That is okay - Just don’t give up!

  • If you sense any distractions, gently usher it out and simply “wait” until it subsides. You will become perfectly still inside - Please note: this is similar to sleeping and that only when you wake up, will you be aware that you were in that place of stillness.

Use a Prayer Word…

  • Use a prayer word like “Jesus or Father” in time with your breathing to help centre yourself.

Practice God’s Presence…

  • Now move to an awareness of God all around you and in you.

  • Welcome His love, joy and peace.

  • Actively listen for Him, remembering your main goal is to “be with Jesus”. Don’t feel the pressure to do anything. Just relax and enjoy being in His presence.

Finish with Prayer of Thankfulness…

  • Close off this time, by thanking Jesus for being with you and anything else that comes to mind. Commit the rest of your day to Him.

* If you are the type of personality that finds sitting still torture, you can try this while stretching or walking in a park. Apply the same principal of focus but not on your breathing but on your feet/walking.