Hello & Welcome to Lesson 3!

Hopefully, after today you will have enough information to decide on Water Baptism.

A Reminder

Remember, take your time as you read the scriptures. Think about anything that was highlighted to you. Why do you think that stood out? What did you learn about Jesus that you didn't know?

Let’s Recap…

While your faith is personal it is not meant to be private.

  • Water baptism is your public demonstration and declaration.

  • Jesus is your example.

  • Jesus’ baptism was his public act of obedience of his discipleship to His Heavenly Father.

    Let's keep going, shall we?

    • Luke 3 v 21 - 23

    • Romans 6 v 1 - 11

    • Colossians 3 v 1

Did you know that Heaven celebrates when you become a member of God's family?

And that when you get water baptised, we as your earthly family get to celebrate with you too. In Jesus’ day, when people put their faith in Him, they were asked to express that publicly by being baptised in water for all to see. Something extremely powerful happens when you declare publicly to your friends and family that you have put your faith in Jesus and are committed to following Him.

Water Baptism is an outward declaration that you are a child of God to the world. You are identifying with Jesus, in His death, burial and resurrection. When you go under the water it is seen as a representation of your old self dying and your new life emerging.

  • From God's perspective - you are dead to sin, made alive and reconnected to Him because of your faith in Jesus. This is your true reality! To be baptised "in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit" means in the authority, character and nature of God and you get to participate in Jesus' "divine nature”.

  • From a Spiritual Perspective - in Luke 3 v 21 after Jesus comes up out of the water, people hear the voice of the Father saying "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased" - These are words of affirmation and confirmation. In the same way, God delights in you with His affirmation and confirmation over you. People often express feelings of delight after their baptism. This is not just a positive emotion you experience but also a sense of divine pleasure that Father God wants you to experience and one which you can refer back to when needed.

  • From Heaven's Perspective - because of your faith in Jesus Christ, God cut away the record of sin against you - there is no legal accusation against you! God sees you as His child, and He is delighted with you! Because you have chosen to obey His call to come to the waters of baptism, your Heavenly and earthly family celebrates with you.

A Sign of your new spiritual identity

What are we celebrating?

Water Baptism is a Form of Spiritual Warfare!

  • Loyalty Pledge. You may be aware that there is a spiritual turf war going on. This is because you have been transferred out of the Kingdom of Darkness, into the Kingdom of Light! The enemy hates you because you bear the image of God, which means you are God's representative here on earth. Jesus is not only your saviour but He is your King. Water baptism is a public declaration that your loyalties have changed and you are pledging your loyalty to King Jesus.

  • Renouncement of Satan & his kingdom. To say yes to Jesus means to say no to satan. You have turned your back on satan, his kingdom and his ways. The word "renounce" means to divorce yourself. This is why it can feel so difficult to say yes to water baptism. Satan wants you to believe that if you stay passive, you can stay out of the fight but understand there is no neutral ground. Your weapon is obedience and if you keep obeying Jesus, you remind satan and his demons that they are on the losing side!

  • One Final Aspect. When Jesus got baptised in water, he was about 30 years old. In Biblical times, this was the age when the Levitical priests were ordained and qualified to serve in the temple. This was Jesus' "official" ordination as High Priest as well as the dedication of his physical body as a 'temple' (dwelling place) to God here on earth. Water baptism is the dedication of your body to God as His dwelling place, you are scared space. You are been 'ordained' and qualified to serve as a priest in His Kingdom.

Awesome job, you did it! What happens now?

Next Steps

If you still need more time, that is OK! There is no pressure and no time limit. You may come back at any stage and pick up from where you left off by clicking on the Button below which will take you to sign up to get Water Baptised.

I am ready, where do I sign up?

Click on the button below to sign up. We will ask you a few questions but don't worry there are no right or wrong answers. We believe it is beneficial for you to put in your own words what you have learned and why you want to get Water Baptised.

Practically, we have set aside the first Sunday of every month for Water Baptisms after our Sunday meeting. Once we have received your sign-up form (this will be a confirmation of your yes) we will guide you in the process of booking a date that works best for you. We will also help you with practical expectations of this special moment. So you don’t have to worry about anything!